Our Story
I’m Maria Cistaro and this is my husband, Angelo Nero. We’ve been married since 2014 with a very long story behind us. We both grew up in the same church since we were children, in our small town on a hill in the district of Crotone, in Calabria (South Italy). A Ministry called Fonte di Grazia in Mesoraca, whose Senior Pastor is Giovanni Aiello. This is our spiritual home where we still serve with great honour.
In 2020, during the lockdown, we felt the call from God to serve in the House of Prayer in Italy. It’s been crucial time in both our personal lives and as a couple. We knew this ministry because we have been following the House of Prayer both in Italy and in Kansas City, the International House of Prayer. After a time of fasting and prayer, we felt the push from God to move to the headquarter in Italy, which is in Caserta, whose Founder and President is Giuseppe Conte.
Here we served for 2 years and have had the opportunity to know all the other houses of prayer in our nation.
We chose to serve God full time and it has been 4 years now since we have not had any permanent work, except some occasional jobs and have seen the hand of God in this. He is faithful! We have some regular partners who believe in what God is calling us to do. We are believing that God will touch many more hearts for this purpose.
If you want to have more information contact us here.
Our Vision
We believe God wants to bless Italy. We’re in the End Times and it’s time this nation rise up to get everything God has for her. Our desire is to be trained further to help others get equipped for such a time as this (churches and house of prayers alike). We’re praying to the Lord with intercession and pleas that Italy will be a House of Prayer. We desire to see a Generation at Jesus’ feet. We desire and pray that worshippers, musicians, singers and intercessors will arise in Italy with the same heart of David and Mary of Bethany. We’re crying out and we’ll keep doing so until it comes to pass. Join us in these requests and if you desire to have more informations do not hesitate to contact us.
“After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild, and I will restore it, that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who bear my name, says the Lord, who does these things’ _ things known from long ago.“
Acts 15:16-18
Our Mission
God is calling us to be Missionary Intercessors to proclaim the Beauty of Yeshua and His return through inceasing worship & intercession inspired by the Word of God. We believe God is calling not only us but a generation of intercessors, singers, musicians and prophetic worshippers who will rise up in the end time all over the world and we believe in Italy as well.
“My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord Almighty.
Malachi 1:11
“I will not enter my house or go to my bed, I will allow no sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids,till I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
Psalm 132:3-5
In Revelation John describes the heavenly music that continues incessantly before the throne of God. Jesus taught us to pray for God’s will to be done “on earth as it is in Heaven”. Revelation 4 and 5 gives us an idea of how to worship God on earth as He is worshiped in heaven.
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.”
Revelation 5:8
We are also part of a Global Prayer Movement – Global Family 24-7 – and have been praying every Monday from 7 to 8 a.m. (Italian time) for Italy for 3 years. Thanks to these prayers and all the intercessors, we have become more aware of the necessity of a global prayer movement, and how other nations care about praying for Italy and the importance it will take on in recent times. It is during these last few years, God has started to open our hearts to pray for Israel through a sister with whom we pray with on zoom platform.
We want to be those whatchmen who stand on the walls and intercede so that the people of Israel may have the revelation of Yeshua their HaMashiach and also that His Church in Italy and throughout the world may receive a the Father’s heart for Israel
“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
Isaiah 62:6-7
Partner with us
Pray for us
An essential part of our life is to develop a lifestyle of prayer, and we want to invite you to be a part of it. Your prayers are precious to us and we need them. Please contact us to let us know that you are praying for us and with us, or if you would like to send us your prayer requests.
I had the privilege of meeting Angelo and Maria in 2021 when I was a guest at the House of Prayer in Caserta. After that we worked together almost every month to join in prayer and worship with the ONE VOICE initiative. During the time we have shared together and also during these two years I have seen their faithfulness in the service they do for God. These two have a very serious commitment to sustaining a life of worship and intimate prayer. Whether people come to pray or not, Angelo and Maria remain two faithful and obedient workers in the presence of Jesus. It is indeed a joy to call them friends and to know that God will lead them to go above and beyond for His kingdom.
Mauricio Pirela - Director and Founder 'Casa de Oracion Madrid (Spain)'
Angelo and Maria have a heart for God. They are faithful and dedicated servants, and with humility they make their multifarious talents available for the Kingdom, putting aside themselves. I am honored to know them and serve with them. I am sure that the Lord will still do great things through them.
Susanna Giovannini - Church Bethel Cosenza (Italy)
A couple for Italy
I have known Angelo and Mary for many years now, and now more than ever I can testify of the calling God has entrusted to their lives. Worship and intimacy with Christ are the center of their lives, and they themselves have been a constant example and teaching for me. I am honored to call them fellow workers and I am sure that God is calling them to be pioneers in Italy to establish an altar of worship in this nation.
Elia Tirotta - Pastor 'Evangelical Christian Church Ticino (Swiss) MFG'
Pure hearts
Angelo and Mary are two wonderful people who want to do God’s will wherever they go. Not only are they excellent worshipers and intercessors, but above all they are people with pure hearts. Their greatest desire is to see God’s presence manifested over Italy and for people to experience an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus.
Devid Walder - Director of the house of prayer HOP Merano (Italy)
Consecrated to God heart to heart united with Him👑
The Lord gave me the privilege of knowing a couple Maria and Angelo, a couple in love with each other, in a bond that springs from the love of “God the Father” and which they transmit and will continue to transmit in the hearts of many. God has called them to this: to join the earth and Heaven They will bring Heaven to earth through adoration and “prophetic” intercession Harp and Chalice as written in Revelation 5:8 I believe in them and in the call that God has placed in their hearts; may the breath of the Holy Spirit be upon them🔥so that he can infect everyone he will know on this journey with Him👑. Thanks to all their collaboration, my ministry also started with the Hop Casal Di Principe.
Thank you for everything from me and my whole team. I wish you so many blessings for this Heavenly purpose that is about to begin in your life. ❤️️❤️️🙌🙏🏻🔥
Rita Bidognetti - Director House of Prayer Casal di Principe (Italy)
True Hearts of Worship
I have been blessed to worship and pray with Maria and Angelo for almost three years on an International Zoom prayer call. When I enter the room, the sweet presence of the Lord permeates my heart. Their hearts are filled with joy and hope as they seek the Lord’s face in worship and intercession. They are dedicated and surrendered servants of the Lord with a heart to see a mighty move of God in their beloved Italy.
Beverly Netto - Servant Leader Roi House of Prayer Utah (USA)
Altar of fire for Italy
I met Angelo and Maria worshipping and interceding on the Global Family 24/7 watch on a Monday at 18:00 UK time. They have faithfully been holding the altar of worship and intercession for almost three years now. In the last Year God has done something miraculous between us and has knitted our hearts to God’s heart for the Nation of Italy and Israel. I have seen them flourish and catch God’s vision for worship and intercession not only for Italy but also catch God’s purposes and plans for Israel and the end times! They were also given a “New Song” to Sing over Israel which is a blessing from the Lord may more be released in Yeshua’s name. I have been encouraged to see how the Lord has opened a way for them to be equipped and trained to be set apart at IHOP Kansas City. I pray that they would be for ever changed and transformed and that that the Holy Fire of ministering to the Lord 24/7 would catch the young Italian’s Spirit, Soul and Body for such a time as this. Lord we thank you that it is not by power or by might but BY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, so I ask you to release the funds for this to happen for your glory In Yeshua’s Name, Amen.
Angela Marra - Intercessor (England)
Passion for Jesus
I have had the great honor of knowing Angelo and Maria for two years, connecting with them through the House of Prayer in Caserta. We have worked closely together for the past two years to translate vast amounts of International House of Prayer – Kansas City material into the Italian language. We have worked on books, notes, and the dubbing of videos into Italian, a project that had not yet been approached by IHOPKC. Angelo and Maria know how to do just about everything. They would be an asset to any ministry they may be a part of. From sound to worship leading to translating to graphic design to social media, their skill set is vast, and yet they will do everything else that is needed as well. They are persistent, consistent, reliable, hard workers and do their work with excellence. They are marvelous comrades. Angelo and Maria have a passion for Jesus. They love Him and want to see His Word run swiftly and be glorified throughout Italy. They are people of prayer, and they have the honesty and integrity that have moved me to tears and encouraged my heart in the valleys of ministry life. They are true friends of the Bridegroom, and friends to me.
Olga Calvo Tergolino, Director Italian Department, IHOPKC, Kansas City (USA)
Surrendered Hearts
Angelo and Maria are a faithful couple with hearts devoted to God. They seek God as their “one thing”, like King David, through their anointed worship and fervent prayers. It has been a pleasure to connect with them weekly on Global Family 24/7 Zoom Prayer Room for the past 2 1/2 years. I am confident God will use their assignment at IHOP-KC to prepare and equip them for greater service for His Kingdom and for His Glory.
Don Dickey - Director Echad Ministries/Roi House of Prayer, Utah (USA)
Heavenly vision
It is a wonderful vision that God has placed in your heart. We will surely support you in prayer. God bless you greatly!
Massimo Belpanno - Leader House of Prayer, Catanzaro (Italy)
Two passionate hearts for Jesus
I have known Angelo and Mary since their childhood, and during this time I have been able to see how there has been spiritual growth in their lives and that passion to serve Jesus with all their hearts. May God continue to bless them and may He open every door He has established so that they can become great instruments in His hands and bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Salvatore Marrazzo - Pastor "Ministero Fonte di Grazia Zurigo" (Switzerland)
I have known Angelo and Maria practically all my life; I have seen them being born and growing up. I clearly remember the various stages of their development in God’s ways, ever since they attended Sunday school. On the day I celebrated their wedding, I received an interesting cue: the two pillars of Solomon’s temple, Jakin and Boaz (Stability and Strength). In Angelo and Mary I could see, over the years, a stable, reliable couple with so much passion in service. Two people truly in love with God and His work. I am sure that the Lord will bless their steps and those of those who will be in their path…. I am confident that God’s plan in their lives will be successful…. Persuaded that everything born of God wins, because true love never fails….
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8).
“…I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:10).